Vitamin E is an antioxidant, preventing free radicals from damaging fat in the body. Highly reactive free radicals carry oxygen, causing damage to cell membranes, enzymes, and DNA, which is harmful to the health of animals. Many people get Vitamin E through the foods they eat. Consuming the right amount of Vitamin E and Vitamin E-rich foods can prevent damage caused by free radicals. 

But what about our furry family members? 

Let’s discuss how Vitamin E affects cats and how to give it to them!

Source: Pets Best

Vitamin E is a Valuable Antioxidant

Both dogs and cats require vitamin E for their health, which is present in complete and balanced pet food. Vitamins like Vitamin E are fat-soluble, which means they are stored in the body’s fat tissues and liver and support the immune system and its ability to produce red blood cells. In addition, Vitamin E supports pet health as an essential antioxidant. But what antioxidants and how do they work?

The role of antioxidants is to counter the destructive effects of “oxidation,” a process in which molecules lose electrons, creating free radicals. Free radicals are formed naturally during metabolism but can damage cell membranes and DNA. Health issues like cancer and cardiovascular disease may result if free radicals aren’t controlled.  Vitamin E’s antioxidant properties help scavenge free radicals by donating electrons and stabilizing molecules, thereby preventing further oxidative damage to cells and ultimately improving the function of various body systems.

Is Vitamin E Good for Cats?

Vitamin E is essential to maintaining your cat’s health, just like it is for dogs. A lot of benefits can be gained from vitamin E, such as for your cat’s skin, including the treatment of mites, eczema, and flea allergy dermatitis. 

Vitamin E has many external benefits, including protecting cells from oxidative damage that damages cell membranes, impairs vision, harms cardiovascular health, and damages neurological function and fertility. 

Cats are more susceptible to Vitamin E deficiency because of their diet t. Vitamin E is essential for normal fat metabolism. Still, cats fed only fish diets, which are naturally lacking in Vitamin E, may develop a syndrome called ‘Yellow Fat Disease.

The vitamin E requirement for growing animals, such as kittens, is higher than for lactating and pregnant animals. Other factors, such as exercise, can also impact a cat’s Vitamin E needs

How Do I Give My Cat Vitamin E?

Source: Pumpkin Pet Insurance

You can apply Vitamin E oil topically to your cat’s skin and coat to promote good health. Vitamin E can ease your pet’s discomfort by relieving inflammation caused by scratching in cases like eczema, where they can become incredibly itchy. Unfortunately, mites may not be killed by Vitamin E alone.

Cats need vitamin E for optimum health, which is why it is an additive in many high-quality cat foods. Eggs are high in Vitamin E and are a natural food source of Vitamin E (be sure to cook the eggs as cats cannot consume raw eggs). Your cat can also be given a small amount of Vitamin E oil directly from your finger or a spoon and lick it off.

Consult your veterinarian if you have any questions about pet care or treatment.

Vitamin E Deficiency in Cats

Vitamin E is one of the vitamins cats need to maintain their health. So you have to ensure it’s included in their diet, so you know they’re getting enough.  It protects cells from oxidative damage by acting as an antioxidant.  Several health risks are associated with oxidative stress, including damage to cell membranes, cardiovascular health, immune health, vision, neurological function, and fertility.  Muscle weakness, heart problems, and hepatitis are all signs of daily E deficiency in cats.  It can cause haemorrhaging of the large intestine in severe cases and a condition called brown bowel syndrome.

Approximately 30 IU of Vitamin E should be present in each kilogram of adult cat food, according to the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO). Vegetable and seed oils are the most common sources of Vitamin E, but they can also be found in liver and animal fat. Cats need all the vitamins at appropriate levels, and a healthy multi-vitamin is a great way to ensure they receive them.

Excess Vitamin E in Cats

It is possible to become toxic when you consume too many fat-soluble vitamins. Among the group of vitamins, vitamin E is the least toxic. The effects of excess vitamin E on blood clotting have been reported. Along with interactions with vitamin D and K. Currently, there is not enough research to recommend a safe upper limit.

Vitamin E Requirements

A person’s Vitamin E requirement is directly related to how much-polyunsaturated fatty acids are present in the diet because vitamin E protects them from oxidation. According to the NRC, adult cats’ vitamin E requirements are as follows:

It is well known that raw diets, particularly those containing fish or fish oil, are rich in PUFAs. The second guideline is therefore recommended. The daily amount of vitamin E required by a 4-kilogram cat eating 200 kcal is roughly equivalent to 6 mg.

How Cats Get Vitamin E From Nature

Unfortunately, little information exists about the vitamin E content of wild prey that cats would hunt. In contrast, based on our information, whole domestic prey like rats, chickens, and quails have a higher vitamin E content than meat. This is probably due to several factors. Because whole prey is not chopped and dressed like meat, it is typically less processed than meat. All processes can oxidize lipids, resulting in the loss of vitamin E. 

The amount of vitamin E in meat also highly depends on how much vitamin E is in the animal’s feed. As wild prey do not consume processed food, they likely consume a diet high in vitamin E. Cats typically consume enough vitamin E from wild prey to meet their needs. In addition, a stray cat may require fewer antioxidants to live longer and healthier than a domestic cat.


Source: The New York Times

That’s it! We hope this article helped increase awareness about Vitamin E, its effects on cats, and the proper way of giving them. Vitamin E is helpful for cats as they promote good health. Ensure incorporating it into your pet care routine!

Frequently Asked Questions

How much vitamin E does a cat need a day?

Vitamin E should be sufficient in your cat’s diet if it is eating a balanced diet. According to the Association of American Feed Control Officials, an adult cat should consume 30 grams of vitamin E per day.

What are the benefits of taking a vitamin E supplement for cats?

Vitamin e supplements help them maintain healthy skin and coat, which can be affected by the amount of light in their environment. Vitamin e is also an antioxidant that can help protect your cat from the harmful effects of sunlight.

Are there any side effects from taking a vitamin E supplement for cats?

Knowing the potential side effects of taking a vitamin e supplement for your cat is essential. One of the possible side effects is liver damage. Another possible side effect is that your cat may become more susceptible to infection. Your vet should be able to help you find the proper dosage of vitamin E supplements for your pet, regardless of what type of supplement you decide on.

What is the best way to administer vitamin E to a cat?

The best way to administer vitamin E to your cat is by mixing it with food or giving it orally. This will ensure that your cat gets the maximum amount of vitamin E possible.

What are the benefits of a high-quality diet for cats?

A healthy diet is vital for a cat’s overall health and well-being. This includes the proper amount of nutrients, digestible proteins, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. A diet high in fiber can help reduce the risk for diabetes, obesity, and other health conditions.

There are many benefits to a high-quality diet for cats. These include improved digestion and absorption, more regular bowel movements, improved coat quality, enhanced muscle tone and strength, and healthier teeth.

What are common mistakes when feeding cats?

There are a lot of mistakes when feeding your cat. It is important to note that these mistakes can be avoided by following some simple tips and guidelines.

You should always ensure your cat has fresh water and food. A whole bowl of food is available for your cat so they are less likely to overeat. Always provide new, clean water for your cat and any toys or treats they like to stay happy and healthy. Never feed cats table scraps or leftovers from other animals because it can lead to malnutrition, obesity, or other health issues.

What is the most important thing to remember when feeding your cat?

When feeding your cat, it’s important not to give them too much food at once, or they will vomit it up. When you feed them, ensure they have access to plenty of water to clean their teeth and wash their face afterward. Furthermore, ensure that they have enough water and food to keep them healthy and happy for a long time.

Why do cats need vitamins?

Cats need vitamins because they are carnivores. Cats can get all the nutrients they need from their prey. However, cats also have a unique metabolism different from other animals.

Cats have a unique metabolism that is different from other animals. Unlike dogs, which can get all the nutrients from plant-based sources, cats require animal-based nutrients to survive.

Cats need vitamins because their diet consists of mostly meat and not much plant-based food. They eat some vegetables but it’s not enough for them to live without vitamin supplements.

How can you ensure your cat gets the right amount of vitamins daily?

One way to ensure that your cat gets the right amount of vitamins is to check their poop regularly. You can also use a food scale to ensure that you’re giving them the optimal amount of food daily. Their behavior may also be an indicator.

How often should a cat’s diet be supplemented with vitamins?

The number of supplements a cat should receive will depend on age and weight, but cats should generally receive vitamins at least once a day.

What if my cat is allergic to certain types of food?

If your cat is allergic to certain types of food, you need to be careful. You must take precautions when feeding your furry friend. You should always keep a list of all the foods that are safe for your pet and ensure they are not given any other type of food while eating their regular diet.

Allergy testing kits can help you identify the type of allergen in a particular food, so it’s easier for you to avoid giving them something else that might cause an issue with their health. You may also reach your vet; this is the most essential.