There is the possibility that your cat is getting too much vitamin d in canned cat food what to do? Vitamin D is good for your cat in small amounts, but too much can be harmful. With a little care, you can avoid over-supplementing your cat’s diet with vitamin D supplements. If you want to keep your cat healthy, you should provide your cat with vitamin D-rich foods, fish oil, and high-quality kitty treats.

In spite of the fact that most canned cat foods contain Vitamin D, many cats get their daily requirement from other sources. Liking their fur is where they get most of their vitamin D. Most healthy cats to get around 2,000 IU of vitamin D every day and can get even more if they don’t get enough sun. If, however, the cat is obese, he will have more need for vitamin D than if he is lean.


Vitamin D poisoning

Symptoms of vitamin D poisoning usually appear 12 to 36 hours after ingesting the vitamin. Intake of Vitamin D determines the severity of symptoms. Here are some of the symptoms your cat might show in case of vitamin D overdosing:

On higher doses, cats may show more advanced symptoms that might lead to death if not treated immediately:

Cholecalciferol, which is included in rat and mouse poisons and supplements containing an either form of Vitamin D, is a significant source of cat poisoning. Vitamin D2 has a significantly wider margin of safety than vitamin D3, and bigger doses are more likely to be tolerated. Many topical psoriasis medicines include high doses of vitamin D, and cats can become poisoned if they lick the cream off someone’s skin or lick the tube directly. Similarly, poisoning has been induced by incorrectly prepared commercial and homemade pet feeds.


When a cat has the expected signs and is known or suspected to have been exposed to poisons, including vitamin D-containing supplements, rat/mouse poisons, or psoriasis treatments, then vitamin D poisoning might be diagnosed. When the blood work shows high levels of calcium, phosphorus, or any markers of kidney damage, vitamin D poisoning can be suspected. Urinalysis may be done to assess kidney function. It may be necessary to perform specialized tests to rule out other causes of elevated calcium levels.

Vitamin D poisoning can get life-threatening. Bring your pet to the clinic once they start showing symptoms of vitamin D poisoning.



If your cat has been poisoned, the best chance of full recovery is early treatment. Contact your veterinarian immediately if your cat ate vitamin D supplements, medication, or mouse/rat poison. 

Depending on the amount ingested and the amount of time since ingestion, a different type of treatment is needed. The earlier the contaminated area is treated, the lower the chance of severe toxicity.

Outpatient care may be sufficient if a low dose of the drug has been consumed. For those who consume higher doses, hospitalized care may be necessary, including intravenous fluids, anti-absorption medications, antacids, steroids, and medications to decrease calcium and phosphorus levels.

There is no way to prevent vitamin D poisoning, but the symptoms can last for many weeks or months. Following discharge from the hospital, blood tests to monitor calcium, phosphorous, and kidney function are usually recommended. It is possible that some cats may need to remain hospitalized following initial treatment since calcium levels may increase again. High calcium levels are associated with kidney damage in cats. Cats with kidney failure may require long-term monitoring and treatment that includes monitoring blood work, fluid therapy, anti-nausea medications, blood pressure medications, and antacids.


Vitamins are vital for the health of your fur babies, but too many of them may lead to some profound health implications.

One of the most common questions we get is, “what is the best food for my pet?” The nutrient list will vary depending on your cat’s breed and size, so be sure to consult with your vet before giving your fur baby any supplements.
