Do you have a vermin problem in your home, and you are seeking a “natural” way to get rid of them? If so, you may find this article helpful. There is no breed of cat that is not capable of good hunting!

It’s hard to believe cats are skilled hunters whilst also being cute, cuddly pets. Cats are obligate carnivores since they need meat to survive. Although most cat breeds have been domesticated for decades or centuries, they still possess an inherent hunting instinct!

Many characteristics make a cat good at catching mice, and we have all the answers to your questions.

Is It Possible For Cats To Catch Mice?

The water is wet, right? The sky is blue. Is it possible for cats to catch mice? As a result of their “hunting instinct,” cats lose their minds over laser lights or strings with feathers on them. Playing is a way for cats to practice their hunting skills. Cats aren’t all born mouse-killers, believe it or not. Their momma cat teaches them this as kittens. It takes their momma to bring home mice and other vermin for them to eat and teach them how to kill and eat them.

What Makes Cats Hunt Mice?

There are several reasons cats hunt mice: They need taurine, which they obtain naturally by hunting and eating mice. The instinct to hunt manifests itself here. A mouse is much easier to catch than a bird or a fish! It’s boring for them. Occasionally, cats want to play with something, and mice are easy prey.

Is There Any Way To Make A Cat That Is Good At Hunting?

The breed is the least important factor when choosing a good hunter. Each breed has tremendous individual variation, even though particular cats, like Maine Coons and American Shorthairs, are noted, hunters.

Consider each cat individually. It is best to find a cat already hunting or has demonstrated hunting behaviour. If a cat is to develop skilful hunting abilities, the environment must enable and encourage its instinct to chase. It is necessary to teach cats to kill (or eat) their prey before they will do it. In most cases, kittens are taught how to hunt by their mothers, so they learn more about their origins.

When you play with a cat, you can sometimes find out if it is interested in hunting. That cat might be a good hunter if it shows intense and sustained interest in the toy (chasing, pouncing, biting, etc.), but the interest may not have developed into a skill without encouragement from the cat’s mother.

If I Spay Or Neuter My Cat, Will It Lose Its Killer Instinct?

It is not true of cats that they hunt less after they are spayed or neutered. A cat without alteration can produce two to three litters a year, and those kittens will soon produce cat litter of their own. After cats are spayed or neutered, their instinct to fight with other cats diminishes, but their hunting instinct is not necessarily affected. Having a cat spayed or neutered will prevent your rodent problem from escalating!

Look for a free or low-cost spay or neuter program rather than putting off the procedure if you can’t afford it. Spay and neuter programs, both locally and nationally, can be found online.

A Mouse-Hunting Cat Can Be An Excellent Investment.

Consider your options carefully before bringing home your cute little killing machine. There’s no doubt that a cat can handle your rodent problem, but it’s more than that! Before getting a pet, make sure that you’re ready.

Many cats enjoy flaunting their kills, and they are ugly and painful. A coworker’s cat finds dead mice in her bathtub regularly, while my own cat’s hunting is merely hinted at by her darting under the house with mice in her mouth.

Instead of a lethal trap, choose a non-lethal trap if you have too tender a heart to handle this. Even the most severe rodent infestations can be controlled with non-lethal traps and deterrents.

Mice Hunting Breeds That Are The Most Effective

Most cats, because of conditioned domestication, rely on their owner for food as opposed to hunting. The following breeds are good at catching and killing mice:

  1. Siamese

A breed with a long history among Thai royalty, Siamese cats lived in luxury among monks and priests and were buried in temples when a family member died. Ocicats, Burmese, Himalayans and Burmese were formed from the Siamese breed because of its popularity, which may also inhibit some of the mousing skills of their Siamese ancestors.

The Siamese breed is outgoing and social and will participate in anything you do at home.

  1. American Shorthair

Over 300 years have passed since the American Shorthair travelled from Britain across the Atlantic Ocean. American Shorthairs are noted for their sure-footedness, adaptability, and hardworking nature. They were on the Mayflower catching mice.

As well as being affectionate and endearing, it is one of the oldest breeds of cats in American households.

  1. Persian

According to Gonano, even cats you wouldn’t expect to be good hunters, like the Persian, have caught mice because cats have hunting instincts.

Persians have been called “furniture with fur” since the earliest cat shows in the 1800s, but it shouldn’t be overlooked. Despite their intelligence, this cat loves to play but may not possess the same level of curiosity as other breeds. It is interesting to note that females are usually better at hunting mice than male cats in most breeds, according to Gonano.

  1. Turkish Angora

Turkish Angoras are naturally occurring breeds known for being self-sufficient street cats in their native Turkey. Their coat comprises one layer, becoming shorter in warmer months and fuller in cooler months.

Turkish Angoras are affectionate, playful, and intelligent. They bond well with people and enjoy being around them. Alpha cats like to participate in all household activities and are persistent in getting their owners’ attention.

  1. Siberian

Siberian cats are an old breed to the U.S. but have been in Siberia, Russia, and other European countries for hundreds of years. They developed a long, thick coat to withstand harsh climates.

There is no doubt that Siberians are solid and robust cats, with the males generally weighing over 20 pounds, while the females tend to be smaller. Despite their size, the Siberian is known for its affection, intelligence, and agility.

Is There Anything I Can Do If My Cat Isn’t Interested In Catching Mice?

It is not true that all cats are interested in killing rodents. Some cats are too well fed and don’t display a hunter’s instinct; others don’t seem to have it. Does your cat stalk and kill mice, toys, and even bugs, or are they sophisticated urban cats above it all?

Is It Possible To Prevent Mice From Entering Your House If You Keep A Cat Around?

The mere presence of a cat can prevent mice infestations and reduce their chances. A second reason is that your cat will probably either eat or give you the mouse when he catches one. The smell of a cat is a warning sign that mice should avoid areas with cats. It’s no surprise that mice fear cats; they have evolved to avoid areas with cats.

Is there a reason why mice are scared of cats?

MUPS (major urinary proteins) were discovered in cats’ saliva by scientists recently. Using their vomeronasal organ (also known as the Jacobs organ), mice can detect cat pheromones and saliva because they have a keen sense of smell. Mouse detects the MUPS, freezes in a crouch, and flees the area for safety if it picks up on the signal.


There is no better natural mouse exterminator than cats, instead of using rat poison and other harmful methods. You can be sure that mice will not return to your house if they smell anything associated with your cat.

An effective natural mouse exterminator is a cat. Your home or office can be rid of mice with the help of these peaceful and harmless insects.


Does a female cat have a better hunter instinct than a male cat?

No, there is no difference in intelligence between the two, but one is male, and the other is female.

Biologically speaking, it’s true. There’s more to it than just cats’ sex.

Also, it depends on what kind of cat you have.

Is it likely that mice will leave if they smell a cat?

Cats can be detected and avoided by mice trained to detect them.