Cats may not be able to tell you what kind of food they want, but that doesn’t mean that they are not hungry. They will always want something to eat, so you must know best wet food for picky cats.

Wet cat food is a type of canned cat food that comes in a liquid form. It is typically used in cases where your cat has diarrhoea or if your cat needs hydration. Wet foods are generally more accessible for cats to digest and have a higher water content than dry foods, which can help with hydration and digestion issues.

Do you have a picky cat that refuses to eat? This predicament is familiar to many feline pet owners. However, choosing the best and healthiest wet foods to feed your picky cat is straightforward. Read this article to gain answers to your questions!

Let’s begin!

best-wet-food-for-picky-cats and-Healthy-Wet-Foods-to-Keep-on-Your-Cat's-Menu

Benefits of Wet Food for Cats

Wet food for cats is a great way to keep your cat healthy and happy. It has many benefits over dry food, such as more moisture, better digestion, and excellent palatability. Since cats are carnivores and require meat protein in their diet, wet food contains high levels of animal protein that is easier for cats to process than the plant-based proteins found in most dry foods.

Wet cat food also keeps your pet’s teeth clean because it increases saliva production, which helps flush away plaque buildup on the teeth. Wet cat food is a great way to keep your cat healthy and happy. It provides your feline friend with all the nutrients they need without worrying about what the food is made of.

Wet food for cats has many benefits over dry food, including:

Picky Cats


Cat foods are so palatable nowadays that it is less common to see a picky eater, but it still happens. The variety of foods available to cats assists owners in creating fussy eaters. For example, different dry kibble flavours and sizes can be found. Cans of different textures and flavours are available, as well as pouches of semi-moist food and freshly packaged meals in the refrigerator section of pet stores and grocery stores. Some cats seem overwhelmed by choices when provided with variety, flavours, styles, flavours, or textures. For instance, having too much variety of food may not be helpful for some cats!

Before assuming your cat is a picky eater, have a veterinarian rule out the possibility that he may have a digestive issue. If your cat eats one diet for a while and then loses interest, he may have difficulties digesting it. A cat can survive without food for several days as long as she is not ill. Cats can survive for several days without food if they do not have chronic illnesses like inflammatory bowel disease, kidney disease, or respiratory infections. Your advice to eat will not last very long before their survival instinct kicks in. The thing to remember is that cats, unlike dogs, are susceptible to attempting to jump-start their eating by simply holding out to force them to eat. Several days without eating can cause hepatic lipidosis in cats with a predisposition to it.

Feeding a Picky Cat

It can be a battle getting your picky cat to eat if they are a picky eater. It is also possible that your kitty might be gaining or losing too much weight, which could compromise its health in the long run. Besides not getting the nutrients it needs, it might also gain or lose too much weight.

Consider a wet food diet.

You may want to feed your picky cat a wet diet or a combination of wet and dry food. It is usually more enjoyable to eat a wet food diet. The more water they have, the better for cats since they are more likely to develop kidney disease as they age. Dry food dehydrates their kidneys, while wet food keeps them hydrated.

Enhance the taste of their food

You can do a few things if your cat refuses to eat the food in the can. Adding chicken stock or tuna water is a great way to enhance their canned wet food. If they’re having trouble staying hydrated, you can also add either liquid to their drinking water. The second thing you can do is microwave their food, which makes it smell better. Cats are attracted to smelly food more than they are too bland food.

Feeding time should be intentional.

Maintaining a consistent eating schedule for your feline friends is crucial, just as it is for us humans. Cats should learn to eat at a particular time if you leave their food out for a timed period – say, 20 minutes – then take it away. It is possible to buy a cat feeder that will feed your cat when you aren’t around.

It is also advisable not to leave dry food out all day, as too much grazing can result in obesity, which can harm your health. Like us, some cats enjoy eating in social settings. To keep your cat company while eating, try letting it eat with another pet or even having it eat with you.

Get a new diet

Now and then, we all need some variety in our diets. The protein source you’re feeding your cat should be switched up if it’s being picky. Replace chicken and tuna with something else like a duck, venison, or turkey-different flavours in cat food that appeal to them.

Avoid offering your cat too many different foods at once is also recommended. It is recommended that you rotate your food, but you should do so gradually. When it comes to brands, avoid giving your cat an array of choices at once – while your instinct may be to buy as many as possible and allow your cat to select, this could backfire on you because you’re feeding into their pickiness. Letting your picky cat choose their food takes longer than expected.

The age and health of your cat should be considered.

Kitten owners must purchase food rather than adult food. Because kittens have different calcium and protein requirements than adult cats, kitten food should contain nutrients to support growth. Also, older cats shouldn’t be jumped upon that much since they may have arthritis or orthopaedic disease, so their food should be easily accessible. Their food and water bowls must be easily accessible to eat and drink.

How to Find the Best Wet Cat Food for Your Picky Feline Friend

The importance of feeding your cat cannot be overstated. Nutrition and strength are essential for a healthy cat’s weight, so it must eat plenty of food to remain healthy.

There is no doubt that cats are fussy eaters, which makes it easy for them to turn their noses up at many things. Having evolved into strict carnivores, cats have developed well-tuned senses that enable them to select food that meets their nutritional needs. Is there anything I should look for in wet cat food for fussy cats?

The wet cat food contains quality ingredients.

When choosing food for your cat, make sure that it contains high-quality ingredients so that you can cater to their tastes. Your cat food label should include these excellent ingredients:

Extra fibre from higher-quality carbohydrates, such as brown rice or pumpkin, can help support a cat’s digestive system. Consult your veterinarian to ensure your cat’s diet contains the right amount of grain and carbs.

Identifying nutritious ingredients can be as simple as choosing named foods over unnamed ones. When you say “chicken liver” to your cat, you know exactly what you’ll be feeding him. On the other hand, the term “meat meal” can refer to a wide variety of things.

It contains high levels of protein.

Wild cats eat high-protein diets. It is common for cats to eat liver, blood, red meat, and fish. For cost-saving reasons, wet food products sometimes use plant-based protein, such as soy, wheat, corn, or pea. Cats prefer to eat these sources of food and other sources of amino acids that are not essential. Animal protein may contain more essential amino acids, which adult cats require for muscle maintenance, which may explain their preference.

To encourage your cat to eat more, choose a wet canned cat food containing around 11% carbohydrate. Whenever possible, select canned wet foods with animal-based ingredients as the first ingredient.

Variety is key!

It is crucial to have a variety of canned food options for fussy eaters. This way, you can ensure that your feline friend gets enough vitamins, minerals, and protein to stay healthy.

This evolutionary trait was developed to prevent nutritional imbalances from consuming only one type of raw meat. This problem can be solved by changing things up. Chicken is a generic flavour used in many cat foods. It is more cost-effective to buy chicken than duck, rabbit, beef, turkey, or salmon.

To break up the routine, give your cat some new meat flavours instead of chicken all day to break up the routine. Providing different flavours is easy with a variety pack of canned wet foods.

Cats should be fed the same food they were given as kittens.

Weaning is a crucial period for developing a cat’s food preferences. It will be less likely to be a picky eater if it eats various meats and flavours. It is also likely that a kitten’s taste preferences are passed on to them through the mother’s milk. Food preferences can be determined by observing what your cat ate as a kitten and what its mother ate.

Foods that are high in fat have a good taste.

You might be able to get a picky cat to eat more food if you feed it wet food that is higher in fat.

In addition to salmon oil, cats also love canned food because it increases their intake. Cats may like salmon because of its smell since they have powerful odour senses.

Triglycerides with a medium chain are not recommended for cats. Foods rich in medium-chain triglycerides include coconut oil and palm oil. Cats may prefer fresh meat due to its high saturated animal fatty acids content. Moderate-fat diets are preferred by cats, especially those containing 25-40% dry matter.

Water is a cat’s best friend.

Cats prefer wet food with high moisture content. This makes sense as consumed prey’s flesh, meat, and blood contain at least 70% moisture. It is no problem since most wet cat food contains 70-85% moisture! You can choose the best one.

What are the Best Types of Wet Cat Food for Picky Cats?

Blue Buffalo Wilderness Grain-Free Canned Cat Food


In terms of ingredient quality, Blue Buffalo doesn’t compromise. For picky eaters, they are our top choice for overall best-tasting cat food in our “best of” list.

With their Wilderness brand, Blue Buffalo has introduced an appealing texture that will appeal to even the most snobbish cats. They make chunky, chewy meat wet food that cats love, with plenty of gravy. Unfortunately, this food contains both egg and potato, two common food allergens for cats that can also be harmful to sensitive stomachs.

It’s only moderately expensive, but it can become an issue if your cat has trouble digesting Blue Buffalo because of the likely allergens in the food. There’s no need to worry, as cats’ most expensive food is the food that goes to the trash.

Fussie Cat Premium Grain-Free Canned Cat Food


Picky eaters are catered to at Fussie Cat. Besides having high-quality ingredients, they have a soft and chewy texture that is sure to entice your cat, and they do not have cheap by-products or leftover ingredients that could upset his stomach.

Fussie Cat provides all the nutrients cats need while containing half as many calories as other wet foods, which will appeal to picky cats needing to lose a little weight. It does, however, contain unnecessary natural sweeteners. This brand is not recommended for diabetic cats or cats with sensitivity to sugars.

Wellness CORE Selects Poultry Variety Canned Cat Food


We recommend the Smalls Freeze-Dried Raw Water Bird to cats with picky palates due to its grain-free, natural meat formula. This variety pack has three flavours in one box of eight cans, so your fussy cat can take a break from overused flavours. You can choose between chicken and chicken liver, chicken and turkey, or chicken and beef from this selection. There are three choices, all boneless and served with savoury sauces.

Your cat’s fur and skin will benefit from sunflower oil, while his urinary health will also benefit from the high protein and moisture content of sunflower oil.

You might find flies buzzing around your picky eater’s food bowl if he refuses to eat wet food. Wet food is smellier than dry food.

Fancy Feast Savory Centers Variety Pack Canned Cat Food


It contains both smooth pâtés and gravy and meat chunks, so even the fussiest eaters can enjoy the tasty meal. The multipack has equal portions of chicken, salmon, tuna, and beef in four different flavours.

Providing your favourite fussy cat with essential nutrients, these pâtés contain a gravy-filled centre and essential vitamins. A high-quality cat’s skin, eyes, and fur are maintained with taurine and vitamin E.

There is one drawback; however, It complained that the smell of this brand of wet food was more decisive and more offensive than that of other brands.



That’s it! An adult cat has a complex sense of taste and smell that makes it very particular about what it eats. An adult cat’s favourite food can be different for each individual, or it can have a more sensitive stomach than others. Hence, it’s essential to give them the best food containing natural ingredients that appeal to their tastes and make them happy!

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes cats picky eaters?

Cats are picky eaters if they don’t like the smell or taste of the food. Due to their obligate carnivorous nature, cats require specific nutrients that can only be found in animal-based foods. Vitamin A obtained from animal foods such as beta-carotene cannot be converted into its active form, the retinol form, by cats.

When deciding what to eat, cats don’t rely on nutrition experts or YouTube videos as humans do. The only way cats can determine whether food is healthy and safe is through their senses. In contrast to dogs, cats have more sense of smell than other animals, including humans. It is for these reasons that cats eat their food after smelling it.

Why won’t my cat eat?

Your cat may have a health problem if it doesn’t eat food. A cat can become unable to eat due to a variety of health conditions, including gastroenteritis, for instance. It is sometimes the case that an unwell cat is fussy. You should speak with a vet if you don’t notice any other symptoms, such as when a cat stops grooming, there is low activity, or if your cat hasn’t eaten for more than 24 hours.

How long does it take for a cat to get used to wet food?

Cats are generally not too keen on trying new food, so it usually takes a while to get used to wet food. It can take a few days or months for the cat to adjust. Some cats may be more willing than others, but it is worth giving it a try if you want your cat to live a long life.

Is it safe to feed your cat wet food?

Some people believe wet food is not as nutritious as dry food, but this is not true. Wet food has more moisture, and that’s what cats need. With this, it can help keep cats hydrated.